Friday, July 07, 2006


The modern Sisifos

In my quest for a better living – I just recognized that I just will accomplish my goal to Kona if I get more satisfied with my overall way of life and, plus, my road to Kona doesn’t mean only to get to IM Hawaii in a given year but to enjoy the road (as I Said before, the journey is the destination) – I’m reading a book by a Brazilian author that makes an interesting point. He focuses on people with lack of focus J and made an analogy which I think is interesting to post.
He calls them “the modern sisifos” and with this he characterizes people that –
- focus on the effort per se and loose the sight of succeeding
- don’t go to the finish
- are always restarting
- don’t plan
- when plan, fail to execute
- loose sight of rhythm
- always find “amazing” solutions or try to reinvent the wheel
- live on “almost”
- don’t compromise
- forget to watch for details
- don’t keep their schedule

As I could see, I follow prey on many of these bad habits and as I’m finding out, habits are hard to change (but, difficulty doesn’t mean impossibility, right? Or as follows on Adidas motto “Impossible is nothing”)

Thursday, July 06, 2006



In a month fulfilled with sports events it’s almost impossible not to feel guilty about not being training. Today I’m scheduled for a short run. After a small dental surgery I wasn’t able to train last week – I had been training for 14 days in row when I needed to step back - and this week I just wanted to rest and set things together – I’m just trying to recovery from an emotional loss that turned my world upside down.
I’ve been reading a lot about mental training and so on… well… today I’m making a little come back… just follow my efforts in learning to follow through.

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