Sunday, November 14, 2004


The Butterfly Effect

The butterfly effect
Friday I bought a pinget in a butterfly shape. It’s supposed to remind me that there is order in the middle of chaos. But also that Im going through a period of intense changig.. well, maybe not so intense as I wanted to be, but Im on my way. My trainning regim is developing quite well, and now I could figure out the reasn to my high hearts rates – lack of hydration. But the most interesting find of the week was an article from the journal of sports medicine about discipline. It’s called “The road to success goes thorugh detemination, hard work and personal sacrifices”. I have been wondering about the need of mental focus, the importance of a positive mental attitude and so on, maybe that’s the all point when it comes to my life.

PS. Today I saw Notting Hill once again, I just tunerd on the TV after a 5 miles run and it was exactly in the point where Anna says that’s she is just a girl standing in front of a boy asking him to love her. It made me think a lot, there were lots of memories and so on… I cried a bit, but felt renewed a couple of minutes later, when I started re-reading a book from Leo Buscaglia called Living, loving and learning and his mention to Saint Exupery’s quote on love.

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