Monday, November 08, 2004
A cold, wet and boring november day
Today my trainning regim had a smal setback, nothing to worry about. As usually I was awake at 4a.m. and didn´t got out of bed - BIG MISTAKE. I lost sight of the time and when I realized it was just 6:02.. not 6 as I would like - don´t even ask. A bit late I considered stay in beg a bit longer... dull.. despite of the cold weather I could overcame the lazyness and wet to the gin for another one hour and a half spinning class.. (think I~m becoming adicted), but the teacher just didn~t show up and I managed to do some weight lifts. I hate this. People keep telling me how important it is, but I just don´t like. After giving a shot I realized that it just wouldn´t work and gave up - what I think was a wise decision once I´m feeling really stiff. I´m not paying the right attention to stretching and have just started feeling the consequences. I´m not suposed to do anything besides working tonight but right now Im just considering a treadmil running after my course.
PS. Today Im happy, but a bit bored... my job still sucks!
PS. Today Im happy, but a bit bored... my job still sucks!