Friday, November 05, 2004


Conquering the fear

There are some moments in life when we need inspiration – and with that I mean more than motivation, but something for you to live for, until you can find tagain the path to yourself. If my life was a movie, maybe at this moment I would be packing my stuff and moving to LA, or maybe not, I was just arriving in a small city near Kansas. But my life is real, and I have tried a lot, I have read all those self healing books, lots of deepak Chopras and Bob Proctors texts, but although I found that they are great guys, there is still something missing. I always believed that when you need a breakthrough you must set big, hairy and ambitious goals, and that's mine - I'm going to Kona, to the IM Hawai. Is can sound quite simple, specially for someone who has already faced an IM, but I have my motives, and the first one is - I AM REALLY SCARED. really, only thinking about swimming at Hawaii makes me shrill. So that's my first step - conquer the fear. I'm not sure how long it will take, maybe one, maybe 2, maybe ten yrs, but Im pretty sure, tnat one day I will cross that line and Im also sure that in that moment I will just recall all Iwil have accomplished to be there. There are many thing that I must do to make this dream even a possibilitie, starting with my job. For now one, I hope that all those bad days will have a meaning, and at the end of it all, my goal will be accomplished.

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