Wednesday, January 12, 2005


Do I need a coach?

When you start thinking about trainning the first advice that u get is: hire a coach. I have been trainning for a while.. first with a trainning coach, the without, then with, then without and so on. Now I´m all by myself again and happy. But, a friend of mine started in a "coached club" and is trying to convince me. That made me wonder.. I tried to figure out the best option - with or without and haven´t reached a veredict... That is my Pro/con´s list:

- a "scietific based" schedule
- sound advice
- support
- structure
- event calendar considered
- networking/ new friends

and on...


- expensive
- what to do when you weekly schedule just doesn't come
- "train in a nutshell"
- limited trainning locations

and on...

But these are irrelevant "motives" in my opinion, actually the 1 billion dolar question is: will I improve? Really.. will I train more consistently, make better friends, get faster, stronger, motivated???????

I´m not sure, so I´m planning to take a shot and see how it works... I won´t be easy to pay for it, so I believe I'll give the right value (I'll need to dramatically chenge my schedule in order to take my son to school and park my car outside at the street in order to save money... of course, I'm planning a promotion too, so it won't be always about saving money but also about earning a bigger amount of cash in the end of the month)...
More on the months "per" come...
Meanwhile, I ran 10k with a friend and found out the "power of stretching"... did´'t swim (gotta take it more seriously) and slept around midnight.. woke up at 6am, really wanting to stay in bed - more due to the weather than to the "tireness"... but wasn´t beat by lazyness (DAH!)

EIIIII... Yesterday I was taking a look at the presenting videos and website of Lance´s Armstrong new cycling team Discovery... hpe now we'll have plenty of coverage on the sport which is my true love... more, on the following link:

enjoy it!

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