Tuesday, March 01, 2005
off blog, off trainning
well, well, well... althought I swan on saturday this wasn´t a quite "sportive" weekend - I had many things things to do at home... the good news are about my son: he really enjoyed the boy scounting group, so I believe he will keep going with this.
No trainning, no studying, sounds like a lazy time, but it wasn't: Actually I was really busy dealing with housekeeping and being a mom. Yesterday I got to the office very early and left quite early too, but it didn't work: i lost the spinning class and once I had class at 8pm I couldn't do anything. I'm trying to start reading "The seven habits of highly effective people" but maybe I'm not that effective.. I'm reading this in order to get through the 8 habit (which I have no idea what it is)... meanwhile, I went to "the red couch" and found out that the first chapter of Robert "scobleizer" Scoble has just been released (that a look at http://redcouch.typepad.com/weblog/2005/02/chapter_1.html, it worths)...
the dark side: yesterday a friend of mine just invited me to a half IM run... I think I cannot stand it... gosh!
No trainning, no studying, sounds like a lazy time, but it wasn't: Actually I was really busy dealing with housekeeping and being a mom. Yesterday I got to the office very early and left quite early too, but it didn't work: i lost the spinning class and once I had class at 8pm I couldn't do anything. I'm trying to start reading "The seven habits of highly effective people" but maybe I'm not that effective.. I'm reading this in order to get through the 8 habit (which I have no idea what it is)... meanwhile, I went to "the red couch" and found out that the first chapter of Robert "scobleizer" Scoble has just been released (that a look at http://redcouch.typepad.com/weblog/2005/02/chapter_1.html, it worths)...
the dark side: yesterday a friend of mine just invited me to a half IM run... I think I cannot stand it... gosh!