Monday, April 18, 2005


The Marathon

Yesterday was the day of two big world's marathons: London and São Paulo. Last Sunday was the day of Paris 2005's Marathon.. wish I could be there, but I wasn't. It doesn't make me feel sad, not at all, just conscious of my lack of good shape. It was beautiful to see all those athletes running across the streets, some smilling, others trying to deal with pain, some quiting, others finding strenght from "nowhere". Next year I will be there!
And talking about "being there", wednesday I started with a new personal coach, I don't have my trainning schedule yet and I must confess that I'm a bit anxious... I had my 3km test and it wasn't that bad.. but I suffered the day after... despite the pain I stuck to the plan and trainned on thursday - 1:30 bike, a hard train, really hard. On friday I just had a 50 min bike, dying with pain, I really thought I had injured myself but on saturday I was feelling better: not great, but quite better! It was a nice day: 3200m swim (uhu!) followed by an 1:30 bike class with two friends.. after trainning I spent about half an hour talking to a friend and that made my day very nice. After it I went to the terapeutist and he gave me a "homework": figure out my "qualities".. I have 3 weeks for that. At night I was exausted and watch a movie that made me feel quite bad - Monster. It was awful... just too heavy for me.. Now I promise myself I won't watch drama anymore.. gosh, even think about it gives me nausea!
Althought I had a bad night sleep I trainned on sunday: 30 min run (very high heart rate) followed by 50 min bike... the rest of the day was just this: rest!
Today I'm supposed to do some weight lifting and run... but first I will ask my coach...
Oh... I'm reading an interesting book: the monk and the executive... it worths...
And for those just like me, trying to figure out how to get back on studying the wish list: Stanford rules!!!!!!!
and about Hawaii: Ironman live just announced the 2005's lottery winners, and guess what: a friend of mine won a spot... on friday I as just so happy I could even control myself... it is very nice to see someone fulfilling a dream!

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