Wednesday, June 29, 2005



The last two weeks were weird, actually they weren't I was acting exactly as I did in the last year and I must recognize I was failing bitterly with.. MYSELF... You know, the meaning of life is being happy - and happines is so a such important thing that even the american constitution secures every human being the right to pursuit happines (could you even think this? I mean, a constitution is about politics and... gosh I have no words to describe how "emotional" i get thinking about it).
Back on earth, as I always do (thanks God) last 2 weeks I was seeking for an answer... my mistake? I had no question at all... When I was 18, I read a book from Leo Buscaglia and there was a chapter that said "when you don't live your life completely, it comes a day when it explodes on you"... weird? not at all.. it's just this: life has it's way of teaching people and somehow when you don't live it how you should (or how you could, or how you might) you build a hole in your soul and someday you will dig into it... complex? just read the book!
Yesterday was a good day, and I was talking to friend - whom I love from the deep of my heart - about my sportive frustration and he just came with a simple concept I'm entirely familiarizaded as a marketing manager "goal setting".... but not only this: SMART goals.. (for those who are not aware SMART stands as Specific, measurable, atainable, realist and tangible...).. just this... so I very introspective today, thinking about my goals... but more than this: selecting the right goals and the right path... (I must remember: KISS - keep it simple stupid).

Have you wrote your own goals lately?

Next post I will set my - not only the "main goal" which inspired this blog, but short terms goals...

do it yourself too!

oh.. before I go: another must read:
Lance Armstrong on the cover of July issue of Outside Maganize
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