Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Adventure Race

Yesterday I got mail from a "trainning buddy" inviting me for an adventure race. My first reaction was sending him back a short msg "hey you got me worng"... really I actually thought he had sent the message for the wrong person... he didn't... and altought I found it "astonishing" I got curious... a few yrs ago a friend of mine invited me for this kind of race and the only thing I could think was: I don't wanna "swim" in "brown river". I think is funny when someone sees a triathlete and just think: he/ she can do everything, I'm not sure but somehow people think of us as "unbreakable" beings - at least was this way of thinking that brought this guy to me.. when I asked him why he choosed me he just said: because of your background, when I reminded him about my poor swimming, my recent lack of trainning and so on, he just went on with his "wisdom" - hey y0u got he IM in your back... big mistake... at least, I think so... but I'm considering the race :-), if it fits on my running calendar why not take a shot... as I aleays say: we won't win at all (well, maybe there's a flaw in this statement since I'm considering an age group winning on my 2006 season - but I'll this is for another blog post..)

Ooh, today is the day, I'll get back on swimming and running the flue, the fever, the vomits are off so it's time again... have two weeks for the 1/2 marathon and never felt so "under trainned" before... I was thinking about the guy who stated that is better untrainned thar overtrainned... jeeez!

on my bokks updates follow the link to seth godin's blog and download the file named knock knock.. I got it but didn't read, but I guess it will be worth...
and a quote from armstrong to finish -

Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever. - Lance Armstrong
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