Friday, September 23, 2005


Dealing with frustration

This week was quite frustrating at work, projects just stuck and that made me wander what I'm doing with my all life. I believe this is a good thing to do: think around. Sometimes it may be a "bless": when you just work around the clock it's easy to loose sight of where you're actually going. But even thinking that way I couldn't help myself being worried and frustrated - and that made me anger with myself. I'm the kind of person that doesn't like to complaint over the problems, but have pleasure seeking for a solution. So today I decidedto start a new project, a review of the all channel mngt strategy.. it's not due to me, it's not my job, and probably noone will listen, but, who'da punk.. at least I'll learn, at least I'm trying... as I always says: keep moving is what actually matters..


short note: this week, trainning was about running, and running with sore legs... but I'm motivated!

another note: kept on reading lotsa Tom's stuff, nice, inspiring, challenging! and following all the "hype" around microsoft... I think they are facing one of the best times ever: all that critcism, the public scrutiny is very healthy and I'm sure they will happen to figure out how to get better - they trive under pressure and I admire them! Must confess: Wish I was there!
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