Thursday, September 01, 2005


Distinguish yourself

Every single month I use to set a few goals... small ones and even feeling the lack of a "master plan" I always do so - things like don't quit swimming classes or fix a broken telephone (going to the dentist, eating vegetables could also be on the list ).. yesterday I took a look on my august's list... shame on me... shame on me! So I found interesting this post on Setty's blog and decided to it bellow... for those who get intereset just go to

Ways to distingish yourself - #33 Keep promises you make to yourself
by Rajesh Setty on August 29, 2005 11:06PM (PDT)
Many people ask me if there is one thing that they can learn quickly that can make a significant impact on their lives. We all know that there are no shortcuts to success. However, at the risk of "over simplifying", let me make a statement
"One simple thing that you can learn easily and that can make a significant impact on your lives is - working hard to keep the promises you make to yourself"Think about the above statement - many times it's easier to keep promises that we make to others than to keep promises that we make to ourselves. In fact, many of the promises that we make to ourselves is not known to anybody else. Something like "I will finish reading this book by the end of the week" is known only to yourself. Weeks pass by and the book is not complete yet. Nobody knows that you made a promise to yourself and you feel a bit guilty for not keeping the promise but you are smart enough to justify why you were not able to keep your promise. Most often, the justifications for not keeping the promises to yourself are more compelling than the promises themselves.On a lighter note, you can afford to NOT keep your promises to yourself because you can't fire yourself.
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