Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Sometimes the challenges related to trainning go beyond performance and time management and reach a critical point: deal with the lack of understandment from people whom don't like (or at least don't practice) any kind of sports. And often this means "family". Today I had an argue with my mother - the day started in a sad way (and for a plus I'm a bit concerned about work.. but that's another subject) - just because I was done, I just couldn't stand all the criticizing about biking and running. Sometimes I just can't understand why people relates love to presence, why they just believe that living all your life behind means caring. I know lots of people that go home early, stay the all night with their parents, kids, spouses and just don't care.. they just do it because they don't know what to do with theirselves after al ong day working. I really rather be biking than being at home watching TV. I rather being running than frustrated pretending to listen what people say while my mind just flyies away in a bad mood. Sometimes I see wives complainting about their husbands absence, and they use a dirty argument: you are and absent father. Why they just don't say that they miss him, or be more sincere say that they are frustrated, tha they would like to have theyrselves a hobby, something to fulfill their needs... using kids is a dirty game, because it has an "hoy" aura: you give up everything in order to raise your kids so you're a better person. I've got news: you won't be better and even will make them happier because there will be a day when you will tell them what you left behind and will blame them if things don't go your way.. remember the empty nest sindrome? Sometimes it happens when your nest is still full, but your kids didn't become who (or what) you expected them to be... it's the price... the price of entry of being a parent: dealing with the possibilitie that your dreams just won't come true.. and I think that in the end, even if you don't fulfill your dreams it's better to know that - at least - you have tried!