Wednesday, July 27, 2005


The Montblanc

Last week I was talking to friend whom happens to be a seasoned alpinist and got to found out that he was planning to climb the Montblanc... First trouble: I just couldn't figured out where the Montblanc is... (shame on me!). Second trouble: when I discoverd what the "expedition" was all about I was hooked! Such amazing view, such amazing plan... I'm even considering try it for myself - of course, taking small steps first, but whats the matter in day day dreaming?
Just check the view:

Meanwhile my plans on reaching Kona are developing quite well... yesterday I felt my shoulder and had to given up the trainning (yesterday anything worked out: the bike I was using was broken and I couldn't stand the swimming, but). Today due to professional appointments I won't run, but there's no bother - I love my job.
The mileage is getting longer and I'm feeling comfortable, so I'm happy.

Next time, I'll comment on Lance's winning at TDF.

Friday, July 22, 2005


TDF Newbie

About 10 days since my last post... good days... During this time I was able to fully complete my training schedule and that made me quite confident... this week was specially good, despite os the cold and rainy weather... Even swimming was nice - and swimming in a cold and raining day isn't my top ten, so...
Next week the work marathon will start all over again (and that made me excited because I actually love what I do)... of course there are always I few concernas about performance and so on, but I'm dealing with it - sometimes I feel a lack of confidence, and this is something I must learn to manage.
Sunday TDF will be ended, it seems noone will really threaten Armstrong, but as says the song "It ain't over, till it's over"... I miss comenting the tour with some friends - one in particular - it's a nice "habit" that always comes when july starts.. this year I'm following the tour day in day out, but it seems that nobody else is doing the same. My swimming coach is following it for the first time so I can coment with him everyday - it's funny to see a "newiebe" at the tour, lots of funny questions...

Monday, July 11, 2005



As many people interested in triathlon or road cycling must be doing I'm following the 2005 TDF with huge interest... le tour is amazing, the landscape, the bikes (las bicis), the riders, the jersey colours... Of course I would like Armstrong to win this years tour, but that's far from the reason I have followed the race day in day out: it's inspiring.. Armstrong and his sqad has lots to tell, but so does the others teams and on saturday I just found an old magazine with an interview with Joseba Beloki (anyone remembers his hard crash on 2003'stour???) which is a great example of all the efforts a pro cyclist has to do to stay at the top... And thinking about that reminds me about the king of "hard work"... Ekimov.... I just can't speel his first name, but surely I will remember him many years from now... He is absent of this years tour and have been missed dearly by the discovery team but even so he must be inspiring.. Eki (as his friends call him - I'm not one of them, of course) has been riding for more than 20 years and another day I found out that the has 25 notebooks fulfilled of trainning logs.. amazing? No... it's just what the was supposed to do... or at least he bleieves that... Have you ever found someone who has never missed a trainning session? Me either... But he didn't.. not even a single one... even in those hard, cold and wet days.... I just don't know how he does but I certainly admire him for this... I will remember him when thinking about skipping my next master swim class : -)

I haven't written for a while, but my trainning has followed the schedule... Some days ara good, some are better..I'm enjoying it... even despite the winter... the cold and the rain (and I haven't got a flue!!!!!!!). Swimming has been tough, running has been freezing and cycling has been INDOOR...

(I'm still working on my "smart" goals... I'll end it up soon!).

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