Wednesday, August 31, 2005



I don't know why, but the blog didn't post the full text.. follows...
A couple of hundred years ago, Benjamin Franklin shared with the world the secret of his success. Never leave that till tomorrow, he said, which you can do today. This is the man who discovered electricity. You think more people would listen to what he had to say. I don't know why we put things off, but if I had to guess, I'd have to say it has a lot to do with fear. Fear of failure, fear of rejection, sometimes the fear is just of making a decision, because what if you're wrong? What if you're making a mistake you can't undo? The early bird catches the worm. A stitch in time saves nine. He who hesitates is lost. We can't pretend we hadn't been told. We've all heard the proverbs, heard the philosophers, heard our grandparents warning us about wasted time, heard the damn poets urging us to seize the day. Still sometimes we have to see for ourselves. We have to make our own mistakes. We have to learn our own lessons. We have to sweep today's possibility under tomorrow's rug until we can't anymore. Until we finally understand for ourselves what Benjamin Franklin really meant. That knowing is better than wondering, that waking is better than sleeping, and even the biggest failure, even the worst, beat the hell out of never trying.
I've been suffering with the blog sw... the last 2 posts I tried just didn't worked out, even so I'm not quitting.
My trainnings aren't developing quite well lately and that made me upset, after a flue - which I'm still dealing with - my coach started to worry too... The good side of getting "sick" is that you need to rest and sometimes resting means doing all those things you left behind in order to fulfill a busy schedule... I studied, read (good developments on Perfect Mile) and watched tv... and altought I don't really like tv I had a good time with a new tv show: Grey's anatomy... I think I'm hooked... the prime carachter of the show - named Meredith has an interesting approach about life in general and there was a saying that I liked the most so I'll post bellow (good for all of us thinking about the goals we just left "aside" waiting for the right time to come) -
but first - have you ever heard that B. Franklin discoverd eletricity???????????

Monday, August 22, 2005


quote worth reading

"Our very business in life is not to get ahead of others.. but to get ahead of ourselves"
- Thomas Manson

(Try) athlete

This weekend I lost sight of my trainning again. On saturday I was supposed to run a 1h30 and swim... The swimming went alright (a long 4000m that took almost 2hrs) but I couldn't run due to some familiar appontiments. I felt no guilt at all. I know I'm not as commited as I should and that I'll probably face a pour performance on september 18th half marathon (and this means that I won't enroll in the half IM), but sometimes you must respect your body (and soul) and just go with the flood.
For this week, I'm decided to be a bit more disciplinated and focus on my running (it will make a big diference on suffering or not in the 1/2 marathon).

This week I started reading The Perfect Mile and found it very interesting - specially because, event being world class athletes, the characters of the book have the same challenge that I (and mostly athletes and triathletes I konow): have a life beyound sports.

It worths the time!

For the next time, I'll change the subject and start reading "Freakonomics". Plus this week I'll (re) start the psicotherapy, maybe it'll help on my lack of confidence....

Friday, August 19, 2005


Adios Amigo

This post is addressed for someone special, someone I need to say goodbye, even though I didn't want to. Sometimes, in life, we just need to let people find their way.. letting go hurts but is an action of love - and I really mean it.
Probably the following days will be the darkest of my life now and I'll need an extra portion of stamina to follow my trainning schedule but I'll do my best.

For the "missing" person I just wanna say 2 things -

1. what you are is God's gift to you. What you do with yourself is your gift to God. Make it something extraordinary
2. Hope I'll meet you again on the "hihway".

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


1/2 IM

Now it's officiail, I'm scheduled for a /2 Im in late november. I'm not exactly excited about it, since I have planned not to race this yr, but my coach insisted and convinced me - so I'll take a shot. Of course I'm not confortable due to my lake of trainning. I'm fully aware that I'm not ready for the race - and probably won't be. I still have 2 weeks of ez trainning 'til the hard work begins. And it will be touch. Even when you are not willing to set "tempos", you must be commited and respect the distance. I believe that's kinda mistake most people do: do not respect the distance.. I hear people saying "it's not a marathon, it's a half one", "it's not the IM it's just..." huge mistake... A shorter race can be even harder...
As I said, I'm not willing to set tempos, and I'll take it as a trainning session, but I'll do my best...

Befora I go: has anyone seen Fiorina's speech?

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


A bless disguised

Yesterday I met a friend whom happened to participate at the brazilian stage of the X Terra. It was athough one and he was very glad of finishing it - and so did I. He went to our master swim class just to show his medal and I was truly satisfied on seen him so happy and that made me think: about 2 or 3 months ago he was dealing with a really frustrating time of his life - those darkest day we all need to pass, but are really hard to deal with. Lost his job, is facing a divorce, happened to be back at his parents home... tough is the only word that comes into my mind. When he told me what was going on I just said to him that it could be the best time of his lives. And it is. Really, I almost couldn't believe: in the middle of all the happiness regarded to the stage finishing were also informations about a new job offer, a brand new appartment and a promise of a half marathin on fortcoming august, 14th. Great!
That made me think about the blesses disguised. I always believed on that.. it must be story of the open window which follows a closed door. Sounds naive? Ask my friend and he'll telll you. Or do better: ask Lance Armstrong. Once I read that he says that cancer was a bliss, the best thing that happened in his life. easy talking about 7 TDF winning and being a survivor? Don't think so. He made it up. And he dealt with it. I mean, I'm not saying that we must face cancer in order to find all the bliss in our lives, but that they are there, no matter what, and you must believe it, because when you just don't expect it'll "show up".

Bought a book - The Perfect Mile, and I'm waiting for Amazon to deliver it. Meanwhile I'm following the reading of "The Hollow Hills", a silly book about King's Arthur birth. It can sound foolish to spend time with this kind of book, but you know what? I like it and I really love this period of history so it doesn't matter if it's true or not, I'm enjoying life... and life doesn't always need to be taken so seriously.

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